Thursday, October 8, 2015

1:7 Boston University

Check out Boston University!

Courtesy of Pam from EBHS' College List

Boston University (BU) is a large, private research university situated in the city of Boston, MA and was founded in 1839.
  • Boston University was recently in the news for a professor in their college of biomedical engineering being the first to develop a bionic pancreas
  • Notable alumni to attend this school include: Rosie O'Donnell, Psi, and Uzo Adoba (star in Netflix's Orange is the New Black).
  • The school has nearly 500 student organizations including: Allianza Latina, Amnesty International, the Quilting Club, Zen Society and French Cultural Society.
  • There are numerous undergraduates research opportunities, including a program unique to BU undergraduates called the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) which allows students to participate in hands on research with faculty.
  • BU's study abroad program offers over 100 life-changing international study opportunities in over 25 countries!  
  • And because Boston is one of the top 3 destinations in the US for international students to study, this means BU students come from all over the world!
Learn more about BU on their website!