Thursday, January 14, 2016

2:1 All I Need Scholarship Slam

All I Need Scholarship Slam

(1) anyone 13-25 years of age
(2) must be in high school or a former high school student
(3) must be planning to attend a college in the US (or US territory)
  • may appeal to those with interest in poetry 
  • do not need to be US citizen, but must be enrolled in US school
submitting an original poem focused on the challenge: "Tell us in a poem about the importance of the one thing you feel you absolutely need."
- $1,000 towards college

Due Friday, April 15th, 2016

Submit poem online:

Chance to get creative and win money for school! Also, why not?

How to win: refer to this handy blog they made:
- How to make a user account: [super quick and simple]
- How to get poetic: look within yourself

skolarz PROtip:


It's pretty fair game to say that most high schooler students have written an essay, poem, story, etc. before for either a college application or for a class. Look back at your work. Refer to your own common app and to your supplemental essays. Many scholarships will request for an essay in some shape or form (or even a piece of slam poetry)--do not let the imagined extra-effort deter you from applying!

Recycle past essays, adapt them to their new prompts, modify their meanings. Look into the details of what the scholarship is asking and base your essay on work you've already devoted a lot of thought to. Change things up. This will save you time and maintain your integrity.