Thursday, January 14, 2016

1:21 Plymouth State University

Plymouth State University

Located in lovely White Mountains region of New Hampshire, Plymouth State University boasts tremendous opportunities for its students to learn, explore, and serve. Size-wise, Plymouth is home to about 4, 100 undergraduate and 2, 500 graduate students from across the country and globe. The school sits on a 170-acre campus--great for both hikes and outdoor learning!--and with an intimate 16:1 student faculty ratio, Plymouth students have great opportunities to connect with professors.

Originally founded as a Teachers' College, Plymouth has since expanded to 52 majors and 60 minors--offering its students individual avenues to explore their interests. Plymouth's Teaching program maintains its prominence, though it is accompanied by other popular programs, especially meteorology, business, and psychology. Increasingly, Plymouth has been a hot spot for those interested in criminal justice and nursing, too! Don't like any of what you see?--Plymouth gives you the option to design your own major. :)

The Plymouth Panthers dominate many sports, namely hockey, rugby, basketball, and soccer (and many, many more)--check out matches against their number one school rival--Keene State! There are ample amounts of extracurricular opportunities to check out and for all those skiers out there, ski mountains are sprinkled around this college like powdery snow. Plymouth's motto, Ut prosim (That I may serve), exemplifies the loads of volunteer work Panthers complete each year [usually totaling upwards of 200,000 hours!!!].

Standardized tests not your strong suit? Plymouth doesn't require SAT/ACT scores, as it knows that the mighty panther inside can be measured by other qualities of its students. Additionally, Plymouth offers many modes of financial aid and usually accepts 74-75% of its applicants.

Some notable Alumni:

Chris Romano; actor, writer, and producer
Heather Tesch; TV personality
Joe Dudek; former professional football player (Heisman winner)

I mean, Plymouth tho...