Friday, February 19, 2016

1:39 St. Lawrence University

St. Lawrence University

Home to approximately 2,400 undergraduates and ~100 graduate students, St. Lawrence University promises its scholars a rewarding liberal arts education. SLU is located in Canton, New York (in Saint Lawrence County). This selective school was originally founded as a Universalist seminary, though is now non-denominational. SLU promotes its flexibility; with more than 60 departments,  SLU boasts a wide scope of major and minor programs, not to mention pre-professional programs, such as Pre-Dentistry, Pre-Law, Pre-Management, Pre-Medical, Pre-Veterinary, and Pre-Seminary! Thinking about engineering, nursing, pharmacology, or ROTC? --> create a joint program in which you go for a liberal arts degree AND a degree in one of those fields all in a matter of 5 or so years! 

At St. Lawrence University, there are plenty of things to keep you busy--from engaging in the nation's second oldest Outing Club, to concerts, plays, or any one of over 100 student organizations. Though the Saints do well in a variety of sports (soccer, squash, etc.), Ice Hockey is where it's at! Both men and women's teams are strong competitors in their NCAA divisions and have been victors many times. Additionally, apply to a get $3500 of funding to research with faculty or go abroad on one of SLU's 25 study abroad opportunities. 

In your first year at SLU, you'll live in a residential college with other first year students (justly called the First Year Program) where you'll get to live with 30 other students and take a shared course together. After that, all students reside on campus in dorms, greek houses, or themed cottages!! FUN FACT: it is said that a graduate student once ensured that all SLU students would be able to have ice cream each day...

Some notable alumni:

Susan Collins; politician--
senior US Senator from Maine
Viggo Mortensen; actor, painter, musician, etc.,
maybe most noticed from starring in the Lord of the Rings trilogy 

Martha MacCallum; co-anchor to America's Newsroom

Fides et Veritas (Faith and Truth)