Lasell College
Lasell College located in Auburndale, MA is twenty minutes Boston by car but offers the best of both worlds. The college was ranked 26 on US News list of "Best Colleges is Regional Colleges." The college is a residential campus with 80% of the students living in traditional dorms on campus. The college is majority female with a 35 to 65 percent male to female population but does feature something for everyone. It is ranked as at NCAA Division III college with a wide array of varsity sports team. Lasell is proud to say that it does not offer any sororities of fraternities on campus.
Lasell has a cool college tradition of the Torchlight Parade. This tradition has been going on since the 1800s but has changed slightly. Today the parade incorporated underclassmen and graduating seniors. The students walk throughout the college in a Parade while the senior class hold flaming torches. The graduating seniors then pass the torch to the rising senior class as they give pre-graduation messages to the junior class.

Notable Alumni Include:
Elizabeth Jane Gardner (famous American painter)
Nancy Donahue (noted American fashion model)
Lasell has a cool college tradition of the Torchlight Parade. This tradition has been going on since the 1800s but has changed slightly. Today the parade incorporated underclassmen and graduating seniors. The students walk throughout the college in a Parade while the senior class hold flaming torches. The graduating seniors then pass the torch to the rising senior class as they give pre-graduation messages to the junior class.
Notable Alumni Include:
Elizabeth Jane Gardner (famous American painter)
Nancy Donahue (noted American fashion model)