Thursday, January 21, 2016

2:5 Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship

Tell Me About Yourself…
College is expensive. Not just tuition but books, travel and the basic cost of living. Scholarships will help take some of the pressure off of you and our family’s out of pocket costs. Ever dollar helps so don’t be lazy.

Gen and Kelly Tanabe $1000 Scholarship

When do you apply by?
Apply BETWEEN January 1st and July 31st 2016
Why should you apply?
Wait is that a serious question? IT’S FREE MONEY!!!

Okay but seriously this scholarship is designed to help students who are planning on going onto higher education in the next year. The money can be used for tuition or whatever costs are incurred with the college process.
How do you apply?
So there are a few requirements….
  • You have to be a current student with plans of moving on to high education in the next year
  •  A legal resident of the US

There is more!!!!
The committee awards the scholarships based off of the student’s submissions to these three MINI (250 words) responses:
  1. Why do you deserve to win this scholarship
  2. Describe your academic or career goals
  3. Any topic of your choice

But seriously you guys did this at SEAD so guess what? YOU CAN RECYLCE YOUR RESPONSES! Just make sure they are 250 words. Have fun!
For more info and to apply go here: