Thursday, December 25, 2014

3:5 Finding My Best Fit Colleges

Understanding My College Options

Using resources like College Greenlight, the I'm First Guide to College website (if you're interested in schools that explicitly support first-generation college students), and/or College Board's website, start to build your college list (download below) with the help of your intern.

For example, here is an profile for Susie Blue:

Name: Susie Blue
GPA: 3.70/4.0
Class Rank: Top 50%
SAT/ACT Scores?
SAT Reading: 550
SAT Math: 510
SAT Writing: 610
SAT Subject Tests: None
What two subjects/careers are you most interested in?: Psychology, Education
Do you want a specialized school (Faith-based, HBCU, etc.?): No
Are you the first in your family to attend college?: Yes
How important is financial aid?: Very important

Here is Susie's College List:

***Now, your job is to find one reach, three matches, and two likelies! Download the activity here and make sure to show it to your intern to get your 10 College Knowledge points!***